My Favorite Autumn Blue Color

Boy, do the days get busy as the end of the year approaches! It seems I'm up to my eyeballs with to-dos at my day job, while barely finding time for my cookie want-to-dos at night. While I practice better time management skills, I'll keep this post brief.
If you've been following this blog over the years, you probably noticed a similar trend on each Thanksgiving cookie set I've done. I love to incorporate the color blue! It all started a couple years ago when I laid eyes on this Thanksgiving set by Sweet Sugarbelle. The blue accent was such a refreshing punch of color I found unique (and awesome) in her fall/autumn color palette. I've been hooked ever since!
I wanted to share with you my favorite autumn blue shade that I've grown to love. I've experimented with different shades of autumn blue over the years, but this one I keeping coming back to. It just doesn't disappoint.

To get this autumn blue color, mix 2 parts Americolor Royal Blue with 1 part Americolor Forest Green. Pretty simple. (The icing in the above picture is shown after the color had time to develop over 2 hours. It does become an even darker color after the icing is fully dry.)
The forest green adds a nice earthy undertone to the blue, which coordinates well with brown color schemes common this time of year.

In keeping things simple, I decided to recreate a few cookie designs I've done in years past using this autumn blue color palette. If you're interested, you can find the tutorials on these designs by following the links below:
- Thanksgiving Pilgrim Shirt and Hat Cookies
- Simple Thanksgiving Turkey Cookies
- Thanksgiving Mayflower Cookies
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!