How to Make a Nerdy Pencil Cookie Set

When it comes to cookie sets, my rule of thumb is "keep things simple." Because there are more than one cookie to decorate, I don't want cookie decorators to be bogged down with too many intricate details.
That's why I love this nerdy pencil cookie set.
Inspired by last Christmas' Snowman Cookie Set, this nerdy pencil breaks down a traditional pencil design into three parts. Each part is pretty easy to whip together for both experienced and novice cookie decorators alike. It's the perfect gift for kids going back-to-school or a welcoming gift for new teachers.
Nerdy Pencil Cookie Cutter Set
Recently added to the shop is this new nerdy pencil cookie set design.

This cookie cutter set is available in both LARGE and MINI sizes. For this tutorial, I'll be decorating the LARGE size. However, the mini cookies are also showcased at the end of this post.
Template for the Nerdy Pencil Cookie Set
To help with the decorating process, I made a PDF template of this Nerdy Pencil cookie set design.
Click the link below for the downloadable template PDF file.
If you have a Kopykake or Pico projector, just print it out (or pull it up on your mobile device) and you are good to go. For those without a projector, follow the suggested steps below by tracing the design onto the cookie with an edible food marker.
The Decorating Process
For the colors used for these pencil cookies, you will need the following suggested colors:
- Yellow royal icing. (I used Americolor Egg Yellow.)
- Pink icing (I mixed Americolor Coral Red with a touch of Americolor Ivory.)
- Gray icing. (I used Americolor Stone, but a touch of black would work too.)
- Tan icing (I mixed equal parts Americolor Copper and Americolor Ivory.)
- Black icing (I used Americolor Super Black.)
Top Eraser Cookie
Step 1
Begin by outlining and flooding the top eraser area with pink icing. Let that set for about 10 minutes, then flood the remaining bottom area with grey icing.
Once the base layer had time to dry (about one hour), add two grey band bars of icing as shown. This gives the metal band of the pencil some dimension.

Middle Face Cookie
Step 1
First, outline and flood the entire cookie with yellow icing. Let this icing dry for at least one hour.
Then, using a homemade template from the PDF file above, etch the outline of the eyeglasses into the icing with a scribe tool.

Step 2
Next, with black icing, outline and fill in the eyeglass frame.
Then add the black facial details. Finish it off with adding yellow accent lines as shown.

Bottom Tip Cookie
Step 1
Outline and flood the top yellow area and the bottom black lead section. Let this icing set.
Then flood the middle tan section. Add the two yellow accent lines.

Video Tutorial
The steps above are summarized in this time-lapsed video I put together below.
Once the three cookies are assembled together, the completed nerdy pencil cookie should look like the cookie sets below.

As you see from the above image, this nerdy pencil cookie set is available in a LARGE and MINI size.
For the large size, I love using this BRP long cookie box (12″ x 5″ x 1.5″).
For the minis, I place them in a 3"x11" bag sleeve and trimmed down the extra length.
Pencil Plaque Cookies
One more thing. Because I often get requests for cookies that can be personalized, I created a similar pencil plaque design.
These pencil plaques have the same pencil design aspects as the 3-pc set shown in this tutorial. However, with these plaques there's plenty of room on the yellow area to write a name of a kid or new teacher. Some examples are shown below.
(For reference, the font I used Jumping Frog.)

For gift box options for the pencil cookie plaque, this 3.75"x 5.375"x 1" box from Clear Bags is a great fit.