How to Make Ice Cream Truck Cookies

This post should round up the last of this series of summer ice cream cookies ideas. Previously, I showed how to make these Popsicle cookies, as well as how to add a fun twist to your typical sugar cookie with this Orange Creamsicle cookie recipe. Today I wanted to finish up the theme by showing you how to make these ice cream truck cookies.
Ice Cream Truck Cookie Cutter
Initially, I debuted this new ice cream truck cookie cutter in my Popsicle cookie post. Just a reminder, here it is again.

This ice cream truck cookie cutter is available in two sizes: regular and small. I'll be decorating the regular size, but the decorating method for the small size should be identical.
Ice Cream Truck Cookie Template
As I did with the Popsicle cookies, I provided a downloadable template for the design ideas shown below. In this template file, I’ve included both the popsicle and the ice cream truck designs.
You can download the ice cream truck cookies template HERE.
If you have a Kopykake or Pico projector, just print it out (or pull it up on your mobile device) and you are good to go. For those without a projector, follow the suggested steps below by cutting out the template and tracing the design onto the cookie with an edible food marker.
The Decorating Process
These ice cream truck cookies can be decorated in any colors imaginable, but if you’re interested in the colors I used I listed them below:
- Orange medium icing (I used Rainbow Dust Progel Tangerine.)
- Light Blue medium icing (I used a tiny amount of Rainbow Dust Progel Ice Blue.)
- Darker Blue outline and flood icing (I mixed Americolor Sky Blue with Turquoise.)
- White outline and flood icing
- Black medium icing
- Gray medium icing
Step 1
Begin by marking where the outline of the windows and wheels should be. I made a truck template from the template file above and used a food marker to draw the guideline on the cookie.(FYI: Don't be alarmed. I'm not decorating cheddar cheese. The cookie is an orange tint because I'm using my Orange Creamsicle cookie recipe.)

Step 2
Next outline and fill the window areas with the light blue icing.
Then, outline and fill the bottom half of the cookie with the darker blue icing. Avoid the wheels for now. Let this icing set for about 20 minutes.

Step 3
After the icing had time to set, fill the remaining top half of the cookie with white icing. Also, add the white centers of the wheels. Let this icing set for about 1 to 2 hours.
Once, the white had time to dry, add the orange sections of the window awning, as shown. The sections should be equally spaced apart, one on each side of the window and one in the middle.

Step 3
Next, fill in the tire ring on the wheels with black icing.
Then, fill the remaining two sections of the window awning with white icing.

Step 4
Outline the windows with gray icing. Then, with the darker blue icing, add the wheel well accents above the tires.
Add the finishing details like the side headlight, the bumper, and the door handle with gray icing.

Lastly, add the white to the headlight and the ice cream truck cookies are complete! They should look like the ones below.

Video Tutorial
The steps above are summarized in this time-lapsed video I put together.
I really hope you enjoyed these summer ice cream series of posts. They've gotten me ready to embrace the warmer months ahead. I will brainstorming new cookie cutter ideas in the months to come. In the meantime, if you have any ideas for cookie cutters let me know. I'll try to sketch up some of your recommendations.
Happy Summer!